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The Beatles Map of Liverpool

City of Liverpool Public Relations Office


Cartoon Map commemorating the buildings and places of the City where the Beatles started their career

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Sarajevo Survival Map



Pictorial Map of the Siege of Sarajevo 1992-1996

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European Part of USSR - Pictorial Map



Tourist map aimed at foreigners visting the USSR under Stalin

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Lageplan Reichssportfeld



Rare supplement map to Baedeker's 1936 Germany travel guide

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Jerusalem upon your palm

The commercial press, Jerusalem


A pictorial map of Jerusalem with a striking cover

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Yser et West Flandre - Cimetieres de la Guerre 1914-1918

Marco Marcovici, Ed Opalina, Bruxelles


Tourist map showing War Graves of the Great War in West-Flanders.

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One Year Air Bridge

Westzone, 23. Juni 1949


Postcard commemorating one year Berlin Air Bridge

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Railways in Holland

Jan Rodrigo, for the Nationale Spoorwegen


Cartoon Railway Map of the Netherlands in the 1950's.

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Germany- Zones of Occupation

Armed Forces Information and Educations Division, OSD


Map of the Occupation Zones of Germany after the 2nd World War.

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Hoch- und Untergrundbahn Berlin


Interbellum Subway diagram of Berlin

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Pariser Nächte Metro U-bahn

from: Pariser Nächte, Dore Ogrizek, Croutzet Depost, Paris


Map of the Paris Metro system from a guide in German to the Paris Nightlife, from 1941

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RAF Jet Interception Map Plates

Thomas Harrington Ltd.


These map plates could be attached to a plotter strapped on the knee of a jet pilot. This example shows the air corridors to West-Berlin

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The Gulf War

Tony Day & Peter Ahern, Crossroads Postcards


A postcard commemorating the end of the Gulf War

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Hammond War Map

C.S. Hammond & Co


A map showing the battle front of the Pacific

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Battle Map covering al Fronts

C.S. Hammond & Co


A map of the battle fronts in WW2, from Hammonds War Map Kit. With flags to cut out and place on pins

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Hammond reference map of the World

C.S. Hammond & Co


A prewar map of the world from Hammond's War Map Kit

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Air Age Map of the World

C.S. Hammond & Co


an air-age map of the world, in azimuthal projection

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London Underground

Waterlow & Sons Ltd


One of the earliest unified maps of the London Underground

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Zone d'Occupation Francaise

Verlagsdruckerei J.F. Bofinger - Inh. M. Blind, Tuttlingen. Alleinvertrieb: Hans Köppen, Tuttlingen, Königstr. 20. Druckgenehmigung vom 9.1.46 durch Gouvernement Tuttlingen, Presse et Informations


Map the French Occupation Zones in postwar Germany and Austria

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The Storm-Tide Disaster

Appendix map from "The Battle of the Floods", Vereeniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Map showing the flood of the South-West of the Netherlands in 1953. The disaster that took 1836 lives, and gave rise to the famous "Delta-works"

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"Hell on wheels" : war against the Axis, 1942-1943-1944-1945

M.E.W. G-2 Section, 2d A.D


2nd version of the route of the 2nd armored division during WW2

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Plan Officiel du Métropolitain

Societé Saint-Quentinoise d'Impremerie


A map of the Paris metro, sponsored by Association for the Propaganda of Wine

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Olympic Games London 1948 How to get there by London Transport

London Transport Executive, 55 Broadway, Westminster, London, S.W.I.


Special issue transport guide for visitor's of the 1948 Olympic Games in London. Detailed map of the Wembley area and transport services to the various sport locations. On verso general visitors information and a London Underground diagram.

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Karte von Rheinland und Westfalen und den angrenzenden Ländern

Verlag von Gleumes & Co., Cöln. Lithographie und Druck von A. Bagel in Düsseldorf


Map showing the occupation of the Rhineland after WW1 by Belgian, English, American and French forces. The occupation areas included land around the bridgeheads of Koblenz and Mainz, resulting in the isolation of the village Lorch, the so-called Bottleneck Free State (Freistaat Flaschenhals)

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Mapa Humoristico da Europa em 1953

"Star", Ediçao de J.R. Silva


Rare zoomorphic map of the Cold War. One of the few maps depicting the Iron Curtain as such.

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